bennie thompson

bennie thompson: Page 1

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House Republicans demand that Janet Napolitano explains rightwing extremist report - 05/07/09

From this: (Rep. Peter King) and several members of the House Republican leadership filed a resolution of inquiry on Wednesday that would give (Janet Napolitano) 14 days to provide Congress with materials detailing how the Department of Homeland Security arrived at the conclusions contained in the [rightwing extremist report]. Whether the resolution will do anything and will produce, for instance, details on the extent to which materials from far-left groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center or the Anti Defamation League were used as sources isn't clear. The resolution follows a letter: In...

Bennie Thompson "dumbfounded" by DHS rightwing extremist report - 04/16/09

Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson - chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee - has written a letter to Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security complaining about their recently-released report warning about rightwing "extremists". Per this, in the letter he says that he's "dumbfounded" by the report, also saying: "This report appears to raise significant issues involving the privacy and civil liberties of many Americans -- including war veterans... As I am certain you agree, freedom of association and freedom of speech are guaranteed to all Americans -- whether a person'...

GAO report raises issues with 287g program (Joe Arpaio) - 03/04/09

Randal Archibold of the New York Times offers "Report Questions an Immigration Program That Uses the Local Police" (link): A government report questions the effectiveness of a federal program, long criticized by immigrant advocacy groups, that deputizes police officers as immigration agents. The report, to be released Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, says the government has failed to determine how many of the thousands of people deported under the program were the kind of violent felons it was devised to root out... As he later says, who...

Bennie Thompson, Dingell, Conyers, Reyes, Ortiz, other Democrats support Sierra Club lawsuit over border fence (DHS, environmental waiver) - 04/08/08

A cast of Congressional characters (all Democrats; listed below) intends to file an Amicus Curiae brief in the case where the Sierra Club and the Defenders of Wildlife are suing the Department of Homeland Security to prevent them from using apparently congressionally-mandated waivers that would let the DHS bypass environmental and related rules in order to build sections of the border fence. Bennie Thompson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee attempts to portray this as a Constitutional matter: this waiver by the Secretary of Homeland Security is a direct challenge to Congressโ€™s...

Amnesty proponents can't be trusted (Democrats waver on border fence) - 11/11/06

One of the clearest arguments against "comprehensive immigration reform" (aka a massive amnesty) is that the new laws would be enforced in the same manner as the current laws: only when necessary and unwillingly so. This amnesty will fail in the same ways as the 1986 amnesty, and the same forces that oppose enforcement now will continue to oppose enforcement, and they'll have even more power as a result of the amnesty. And, they're tipping their hand even before beginning to push for the amnesty. From "Democrats to 'revisit' law creating border fence": Democrats will look again at the...