jobs with justice
Jobs With Justice
The page makes so many outrageous claims that it's slightly surprising the AP didn't mention them in their report (About 300 rally against Hazleton crackdown on illegal immigrants).
The recent passage of the Illegal Immigration Relief Act in Hazleton, PA has brought out the worst racism in the small cities citizens. After passage of the act, due to go into effect on September 13th, 2006, Hazleton Latinos have been 'targeted by the harsh actions of their neighbors... More than 300 workers have already been dismissed and, without enough workers to remain open, the American Pork processing plant and the VanHoekelen Greenhouse have closed their doors.
An envoy of leaders from the PA Statewide Latino Coalition and Jobs with Justice during the weekend of July 29th found 'the words "KKK" and "Spics" prominently graffitied in the town. Latinos have had their business vandalized with rocks thrown through their windows and many Latino families report that city employees stopped picking up their trash from the curb three weeks ago. Signs on bar fronts warn that they serve "Legals only" and that customers must "Speak English or Leave."
They then compare Hazleton enacting this ordinance to a "civil, and economic crisis is mounting on a level not seen since Montgomery, AL in 1968".