associated builders and contractors
associated builders and contractors: Page 1
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White House listening to pork producers, La Raza, Mexico-linked NALEO, NRA... just not you - 06/21/07
The White House offers a PDF entitled "What They're Saying: Border Security And Immigration Reform Agreement" and subtitled 'Business And Agriculture Groups Say "It Is Critical That The Process Moves Forward"' (PDF) [1]. It's just a collection of quotes from press releases from those few groups that support the Bush/Senate massive illegal immigration amnesty, and it contains no accompaning text other than the titles.
As simply a collection of quotes, it's not that shocking. However, it's interesting that these are the special interest groups that the White House chooses to use to bolster...
Texas Employers for Immigration Reform - 03/31/07
Association of Texas companies and groups calling for immigration "reform" (a massive amnesty) and a "guest" worker program. Chairman is Bill Hammond, president of the Texas Association of Business in Austin (Secretary calls for reform).
Commerce chief defends raids
Secretary calls for reform