stanley kurtz
stanley kurtz: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Scott Shane/NYT's pro-BHO spin on Bill Ayers/Barack Obama collaboration - 10/04/08
Scott Shane of the New York Times offers "Obama and '60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths" (originally titled "Obama Had Met Ayers, but the Two Are Not Close"). If you believe the NYT, then everything's fine and dandy, and Barack Obama and 60s radical Bill Ayers are not close. The fact that they aren't close and never were close and nothing funny went on and there's nothing to see here is especially important because Ayers is a former and allegedly unrepentant terrorist who's since been, in Shane's words, "rehabilitated".
On the other hand, if you actually want the truth, compare the second...
Does Barack Obama support the First Amendment? (answer: well, it depends) - 09/25/08
Is Barack Obama a strong proponent of the First Amendment? Does he support free speech, even by those who strongly disagree with him? The answer is: not really.
I'll keep track in reverse chronological order (note, of course, that there are other examples throughout the time period):
Barack Obama's close relationship with Bill Ayers (Chicago Annenberg Challenge; UIC coverup?) - 08/18/08
Barack Obama claims that former terrorist Bill Ayers is little more than a "guy who lives in my neighborhood", but in fact they both worked on education matters for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge in the 90s. Some details on this are here and here.