mark kirk
mark kirk: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Numbers USA highlights their members getting snowed by politicians, failing to stop amnesty - 09/02/13
Numbers USA and I both want to scuttle comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. Where we disagree is on the best way to do that.
Repudiate Teaparty: vote Democratic except Kirk, Tancredo, and Brewer - 10/29/10
In the election on Tuesday, I strongly urge you to vote against candidates who are part of the Tea Parties movement and against that movement in general. The teaparties are one of the most malignant political movements in the past several decades and must be repudiated; more on that below and see my extensive coverage at that link.
I'm also making these specific recommendations:
Joshua Hoyt of ICIRR misleads about healthcare for illegal aliens (Mark Kirk) - 08/31/09
Josh Hoyt - director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights whose president is linked to the Mexican government - offers "Congressman Kirk's Immigrant Blind Spot May Cost Him Dearly" ( He's very "concerned" (as in the type of troll) about Rep. Mark Kirk's stance on immigration-related matters. Unfortunately, "concerns" such as he has strike a chord with certain Republicans who then - instead of doing the smart thing and trying to take power away from people like Hoyt - give in to their far-left...
"Where the Congressman Isn't", or more tea party briliance (Mark Kirk, cap and trade) - 06/30/09
Glenn Reynolds directs our attention [1] to a report [2] from Marathon Pundit. It's one more example of just how clueless the leaders of the tea parties are (bolding added):