realclearpolitics: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
RealClearPolitics falls for hoax video (Trump Car Destroyed; Tim Hains; Joey Salads) - 10/19/16
On October 17, Tim Hains of RealClearPolitics posted "YouTuber Test: Car With Trump Stickers Looted, Destroyed By Black Youth" [1] featuring a video purporting to show five black youths smashing the windows of a car that had been supposedly parked in a black neighborhood. The video later turned out to be a complete hoax, featuring actors smashing the windows.
Did the white vote cost Romney the election? (Hispanic vote, RealClearPolitics) - 11/08/12
Don't just take it from me, hear what the establishment-friendly Sean Trende (Senior Elections Analyst for RealClearPolitics) has to say. From "The Case of the Missing White Voters" (link):
Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon offer bad policy and bad politics on immigration (RealClearPolitics) - 11/08/12
Over at RealClearPolitics, Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon offer bad advice, bad politics, and bad policy for the GOP.
From "21 Reasons for Obama's Victory and Romney's Defeat" ( ):
Whit Ayres: the GOP pollster trying to weaken Mitt Romney on immigration (Hispanic Leadership Network) - 04/27/12
For several weeks, the establishment media have been printing articles designed to weaken Mitt Romney on immigration, holding out the Hispanic vote as a carrot.
Carl Cannon's corrupt, misleading pitch for Marco Rubio (Real Clear Politics Washington Editor) - 04/01/12
Carl Cannon - Washington editor of RealClearPolitics - offers the corrupt and misleading "Romney Needs a Latino Running Mate -- But Who?" (link).
Where's WillDo: can you spot the errors in RealClearPolitics' post? - 07/14/09
A writer at the Huffington Post offers 'Steele: I'll Woo Blacks To GOP With "Fried Chicken And Potato Salad"' (link). As mostly convincingly explained here, the post is misleading about what Michael Steele said.
Michael Rubinkam/AP offers yet more "crops rotting in the fields" propaganda - 03/24/08
Michael Rubinkam of the Associated Press offers yet another in the long line of "crops rotting in the fields" articles, which are propaganda designed to support an immigration amnesty and/or "guest" worker program. In the current case (link), it concerns the Keith Eckel, owner of Fred W. Eckel Sons Farms Inc. who says he's going to switch from tomatoes to mechanically-harvested corn because he can't find workers. For those not in the loop, Eckel is the top dog in the Pennsylvania fresh-to-market tomato industry.
Other than a few details, it's the same as the other articles and the replies are...
Ruben Navarrette Jr. or Vicente Fox? - 10/20/05
The column "A city about to change colors" (signonsandiego . com/news/op-ed/navarrette/20051019-9999-lz1e19navar.html) says it was written by San Diego Union-Tribute editorialist Ruben Navarrette Jr., but it reads like it was written by Vicente Fox.