Taitz client says didn't authorize appeal, but is letter to Land legit?

From this:

A letter filed Friday and signed Capt. Connie Rhodes, who filed a complaint Sept. 4 in U.S. District Court that sought to stop her deployment to Iraq by arguing that President Barack Obama can’t legitimately hold office, states that she never authorized her attorney to appeal a Wednesday ruling against her.

Additionally, Judge Clay Land - who denied Rhodes’ request and threatened sanctions against her lawyer, Orly Taitz, a national figure in the “birther” movement - states that Taitz has two weeks from Friday to explain why he shouldn’t impose a $10,000 penalty against the California lawyer.

The phone number on the FAX apparently from Rhodes had a time of 13:58 and the phone number on the FAX belonged to a Georgia OfficeMax. However, that store apparently claims such a FAX was never sent from their store at that time, and others point out that the signature block on the FAX looks odd. The person who looked into the first is Larry Sinclair, so obviously this has to be approached with caution. However, a direct link to the audio interview he conducted with that store is here, a discussion of his story is here, and speculation about whether the letter is a forgery is here. See, for instance, comment #102 at that last thread where someone says that the 13:58 could be the time when the FAX was printed by the court's machine, with the FAX having been transmitted earlier. And, of course, there are many other explanations.

So, at this point in time this post is just for entertainment purposes, and also because if it turns out to be accurate it might be interesting.

9/21/09 UPDATE: Now, Sinclair says that he spoke to two court clerks:

[One of the clerks] Mr. Frost stated that after speaking with his boss and the acquaintance assuring the Court an original would be sent after Capt. Rhodes arrives in Iraq, the court accepted the document... I believe Mr. Frost has confirmed for me that the letter was in fact prepared by the "acquaintance" and not Capt. Connie Rhodes...

The letter itself references speaking with a "Tim", Frost's first name.


This woman has a point but its going no place, she is a officer in the U.S. Military and has a duty to go, if I said no to my orders ( and i did any times but only to myself ) 40 years ago I would just be getting out of military prison about now, so I if can say anything to her it would be get your butt on the plane woman, and fight the good fight after you do your duty. ALSO No one wants to get shot at or live in total BS Maybe that is her real reason for this act? or maybe she wants some little political point to make but once more her duty comes before any other shit.