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New York Immigration Coalition wants stimulus funds for immigrants, illegal aliens - 03/12/09
On Tuesday, the far-left New York Immigration Coalition, allied groups, and about a thousand supporters rallied in Albany, demanding that stimulus funds be given to immigrants. Over four years ago I noted that the NYIC doesn't differentiate between legal immigrants and illegal aliens, and that's also true in this case: although they'll take pains not to admit it, they clearly want stimulus funds to go to illegal aliens.
New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights - 02/21/07
Coalition that wants to give "immigrants" voting rights in New York City.
Site: immigrantvoting.org/Coalition/nycoalition.html
"Statement of Principles": immigrantvoting.org/Coalition/principles.html
One of those is: "We need to close the gap between local government and the people it serves. New York government officials 'do not adequately reflect the faces of the people they represent."
Members of the group: