
wfaa: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Obama gets angry (in ineffective interview featuring weak questions) - 04/19/11

Barack Obama recently spoke with Brad Watson of WFAA in an interview (link, video below) that was sold by Matt Drudge and others as some sort of watershed moment ("FIRST TIME: REPORTER TURNS AGGRESSIVE WITH OBAMA" was his headline). Certainly, almost all reporters have treated Obama extremely reverentially and from that perspective the interview is markedly different. However, the interview was basically worthless: it didn't hold Obama accountable and it didn't force him to answer the tough questions he's needed to be asked for years. I'm not surprised he'd get angry, but a politician getting...

Companies hire low-wage airline mechanics who cannot read English (FAA didn't respond) - 05/19/09

Byron Harris of WFAA-TV in Dallas, Texas offers "News 8 Investigates: Airline mechanics who can't read English" (link): There are more than 236 FAA-certified aircraft repair stations in Texas, according to the FAA's Web site. News 8 has learned that hundreds of the mechanics working in those shops do not speak English and are unable to read repair manuals for today's sophisticated aircraft... Former FAA inspector Bill McNease told News 8 he regularly encountered applicants for pilots' licenses who tried to pretend they could speak English — but could not... News 8 discovered that mechanics...

Ted Madden/WFAA/KHOU promotes illegal aliens taking college discounts from Americans, bad public policy (Charles DeVille, Kelly Walker) - 05/18/09

Ted Madden of WFAA-TV in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas offers a PIIPP called "Wrestler can't take college scholarships due to immigration laws"