
tucson: Page 1

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Supreme Court guts Arizona immigration law SB1070; who won, what to do - 06/25/12

[SEE UPDATE BELOW] The US Supreme Court has struck down three of the four parts of the Arizona immigration law SB 1070, making the law largely ineffective.

Did Pima County Sheriff Dupnik ignore Jared Loughner's warning signs before Gabrielle Giffords shooting? - 01/13/11

Almost immediately after the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and several others by Jared Lee Loughner, Pima County, Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik began politicizing the tragedy [1]. Part of that politicization was justified, part was not. Specifically, considering the role that an overly hostile political environment might have played in the tragedy and urging calm is acceptable, but naming specific persons (Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh) as possible contributing factors is not. In any case, supporters and enablers of Palin, Limbaugh, and the tea parties movement responded by going on a...

Brewer signs Arizona immigration law; far-left begins opposition (MALDEF, America's Voice, Phil Gordon) - 04/23/10

Earlier today, Arizona governor Jan Brewer signed into law the tough immigration bill from Russell Pearce (link).

Glenn Reynolds stoops to promoting giving politicians "bunny ears" - 07/12/09

Glenn Reynolds promotes the following picture at pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/81724, and it's difficult to find the words to describe just how pathetic it is. The picture shows someone wearing a Tucson tea party t-shirt standing behind Rep. Raul Grijalva and holding up two fingers in a "bunny ears" sign.

"CodeRed": angry renters, tea partiers descend on Tucson city council meeting (Instapundit misleads) - 05/06/09

Here's what Glenn Reynolds says (pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/78071): MORE LOCAL ACTIVISM: Tucson Tea Party sends 1000 activists to City Council Meeting. I don't need to tell you that the truth is a bit different: 1. The page he links (tucsonteaparty.org/?p=6) says that more than 1000 turned out, yet the two MSM reports linked only say more than 700. The third doesn't give a number. And, the linked page includes this: The Tucson Tea Party, Arizona Multi-Housing Association, as well as the Tucson Realtors' Association encouraged their members to attend. How many real estate agents were there?...

Violent hate: protesters beat effigy of Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Isabel Garcia/Derechos Humanos) - 07/12/08

On Thursday a protest against Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was held in front of a Tucson Barnes and Noble where he was holding a book signing. Arpaio is working with Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) to enforce immigration laws in his area, and, needless to say, those who support illegal immigration don't like that one bit. In front of the store, protesters savagely beat an effigy of Arpaio, severing it's head (video link). Then, Isabel Garcia of Derechos Humanos carried the severed head around (video link). Then, the protesters carried the body around (video link)....

Rev. John Fife is dangerously wrong (sanctuary movement) - 04/23/07

From this Amy Goodman/Democracy Now! show: [Reverend John Fife, the founder of the Sanctuary Movement of the 1980s] was the minister of Tucson's Southside Presbyterian Church for 35 years. The church was the first to offer sanctuary to undocumented immigrants from El Salvador in 1981. That launched a movement that eventually provided safe haven to thousands of Central Americans in over 500 churches and synagogues nationwide. The government infiltrated his group to gather evidence on the movement. In 1986, Fife was among eight activists convicted on various alien-smuggling charges. He served...

Humane Borders, Mexican government to give maps to illegal crossers; Jim Kolbe, Pima County support - 01/24/06

Pima County (home of Tucson) and Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) are supporters of a plan by the Humane Borders group to pass out maps to Mexicans showing them the best places to illegally cross our border. Story - with several comments - here.

Arizona hospitals to get reimbursed a fraction of money spent on illegal alien healthcare; employers will not be charged - 07/23/04

The Feds are giving Arizona hospitals $42 million a year for four years to help reimburse the costs of (free) healthcare for illegal aliens (kvoa.com/Global/story.asp?S=2080392). In the past year, the University Medical Center in Tucson lost ten times that amount providing free healthcare for illegal aliens. The employers of those illegal aliens could not be reached for comment, as they were on their way to the bank.