robert putnam
Robert Putnam
Summary (posts follow):
"Robert D. Putnam is the Malkin professor of public policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government."
Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Jeb Bush, Robert Putnam mislead about immigration and assimilation - 07/03/10
Jeb Bush and Robert Putnam offer "A better welcome for our nation's immigrants" (link). It's part of a push for amnesty mentioned here about a year ago. In the piece, they mislead about assimilation and consistently fail to to be intellectually honest. They start with this:
On our national birthday, and amid an angry debate about immigration, Americans should reflect on the lessons of our shared immigrant past. We must recall that the challenges facing our nation today were felt as far back as the Founders' time. Immigrant assimilation has always been slow and contentious, with progress...
Jeb Bush, Mack McLarty, CFR to push immigration "reform" (amnesty) - 07/06/09
According to this, Jeb Bush and Mack McLarty (former chief of staff of Bill Clinton) will this week be presenting a report in support of