public policy institute of california

public policy institute of california: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Supreme Court orders California to release >30,000 prisoners; how much overcrowding due to illegal immigration? (ACLU) - 05/23/11

The US Supreme Court has ordered the state of California to release at least 30,000 state prisoners in order to reduce overcrowding (link, excerpt at [1]). What you probably won't hear from many others is the role that massive immigration - especially of the illegal variety - has played in this matter. According to a Public Policy Institute of California study, "[i]n 2005, there were 28,279 foreign born adults and 139,419 U.S.-born adults in California prisons". Not all of the former are illegal aliens; in fact, it appears that statistics on the numbers of illegal aliens in California prisons...

Daniel Flaming/Economic Roundtable's intellectually dishonest, anti-American report: CA underemployment rate might reach 17% - 06/20/09

The Los Angeles-based Economic Roundtable has written a report called "Ebbing Tides in the Golden State" which can be downloaded from

California's future not fully 100% doom and gloom - 06/02/05

No, there is the fairly good possibility that things will not end in the complete meltdown of the state and it eventually physically separating itself from the mainland and being crushed by the Pacific, a new report reveals. According to the Public Policy Institute of California's new report "California 2025: It's Your Choice" (, by that year we'll have 8 to 10 million more people living here, with a severly strained infrastructure to match: