patrik jonsson
patrik jonsson: Page 1
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DHS uses Giffords shooting to push loose borders political agenda (Jared Lee Loughner, American Renaissance) - 01/09/11
[IMPORTANT UPDATE: AmRen has been cleared, and Fox's memo wasn't even from the DHS. See the updates below.]
The Department of Homeland Security and various media sources are using the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords by Jared Lee Loughner as an opportunity to try to smear opponents of illegal immigration, focusing on the higher-level white racial separatist group American Renaissance (DHS memo at [1], report at [2]). Not only do they get that group's ideas wrong, but they mislead about what was in Loughner's videos and what appears to have been on his MySpace page.
From the memo at [1]:
Census worker found hanged in Kentucky; see who's politicizing it - 09/24/09
[UPDATE: Police say it was a suicide]
Tea party turnout number: should you trust Pajamas Media or Silver's MSM-based estimate? - 04/18/09
Now, here's a tough one. Who do I trust less: Nate Silver, or Pajamas Media and Glenn Reynolds?
Silver says that a bit more than 300,000 turned out for all the tea parties (link). And, he does that by linking almost 400 events in cities across the nation to local reports with their estimates of the turnout.
On the other hand, links to
The estimated number of participants in yesterdayβs tea parties - sent in by citizen journalists who signed up to the site to enter attendance data...
Jesse Washington/AP's supposed "outbreak of racial anger" after Obama win - 11/16/08
Jesse Washington of the Associate Press provides another example of Obama supporters continuing to play the race card after the election and by so doing shows that Obama's method of winning hasn't actually done much about race relations. The article is an example of the MSM and friends basically just keeping one race in line as was done in the past with another race (link).
Crosses burning. Children chanting, "Assassinate Obama." Racial epithets scrawled on homes and cars.
Yes, there definitely has been an outbreak of isolated incidents involving those who have no real power. Washington can...
Patrik Jonsson promotes illegal immigration in Stillmore, Georgia - 10/03/06
Patrik Jonsson of the Christian Science Monitor offers "Crackdown on immigrants empties a town and hardens views", which is so highly similar to the story discussed in "Russ Bynum/AP promotes illegal immigration (Stillmore, Georgia)" that I barely need to add anything more: almost everything said about that slab of pro-illegal immigration propaganda applies to the current slab.
There are a few minor differences. For instance, we learn that the Crider plant "does everything from poultry processing to packing M&Ms for the military to grilling the ribs for restaurant franchises, employees...