obama relatives
obama relatives: Page 1
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Bush lifted "Auntie Zeituni Rule" after election - 01/26/09
Shortly before the election, it was learned that Barack Obama's aunt - Auntie Zeituni - had been living in the U.S. as an illegal alien for years. He quickly threw her under the bus and returned the small donations she'd illegally made to his campaign. Few but me were interested in using the incident to show he was heartless and calculating. She later got an immigration lawyer, something that Obama could have done but did not do.
And, shortly before the news came out, the Department of Homeland Security reportedly required all deportations to be approved by high-level officials; the...
Heartless Obama throws poor, illegal alien aunt under bus; will return illegal donations; lies about not knowing? - 11/01/08
Barack Obama's Kenyan aunt Zeituni Onyango - called "Auntie Zeituni" in his memoirs - turns out to be an illegal alien living in a Boston slum who illegally donated part of her meager income to his campaign.
And, now she joins a host of other former Obama associates under his bus. After it was discovered yesterday that she's an illegal alien, the Obama campaign has today released the following statement:
"Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed."
Now, let's parse that out, Clinton-like.
1. He's not offering to get her...
Obama's illegal alien, impoverished aunt redistributed her "wealth" to Obama's campaign via illegal donations - 10/31/08
Barack Obama's impoverished Aunt Zeituni - recently discovered living in poverty in a Boston slum - donated $260 to Obama's campaign. From this:
Federal Election Commission records show that Onyango donated at least five times to her nephew's campaign in July and September. Three of the donations were for $5 each, and two of the donations were for $25. Records compiled by The Huffington Post show she gave a total of $260 to the campaign.
Her actions were illegal, but she can be forgiven. Obama on the other hand...