oakland: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Most literate cities of 2008: NYC at #24, L.A. at #56 - 12/26/08
The "America's Most Literate Cities 2008" list has been released by Central Connecticut State University: link. Things like this generally fall into the FWIW/"for entertainment purposes only" category due to the varying definitions of "literate" and so forth. And, some sections of a given city are more "literate" than others, and some cities may be more cohesively "literate" vs certain others which only have a few islands of "literate-ness" scattered about.
Commie Fest 2006: Elvira Arellano, Major Owens, ACLU, and more! - 12/02/06
On December 3, the "19th Annual People's Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Banquet" will be held in a Greek restaurant in Chicago:
[It] will feature living wage and peace resolutions sponsor city Alderman Freddrenna Lyle as the keynote speaker, and will honor immigrant rights activist Elvira Arellano, union activists Bea and Frank Lumpkin, disability rights group ADAPT, the March 10th immigrant rights coalition and AFSCME workers who are fighting to organize Resurrection Hospital โ all familiar to PWW readers.
Note, of course, that only one of those is listed as an actual attendee; the honors may...
Berkeley to be renamed Ramseyville - 06/02/05
Parents, staff, and students at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in Berkeley, California recently voted to change the name of their school to... Sequoia Elementary School. The name change still needs to be approved by the school board:
"Oakland's Bilingualism - No Americans Need Apply" - 08/06/04
Here's a flashback to April 21, 2001 (vdare . com/misc/matloff/oaklands_bilangualism.htm). I don't know if there's been more recent legislation, but the article does provide some interesting background. Of first note, he links to his S.F. Chronical editorial "Oakland may recognize 2 official languages -- and neither of them will be English" (sfgate . com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/04/11/ED120412.DTL):