national guard
national guard: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Rick Perry: no to full border fence; re-uses "ladder business" line like Janet Napolitano and Bill Richardson - 09/04/11
Speaking in New Hampshire, Texas governor Rick Perry said this (link):
Newt Gingrich offers false choice, supports incremental amnesty, doesn't challenge CNN for misleading on immigration (GOP 6/13/11 debate) - 06/13/11
At tonight's GOP debate, both moderator John King and candidate Newt Gingrich offered a false choice on immigration. Instead of calling King on offering a misleading choice, Gingrich offered the same false choice.
Obama wants $500 million to send National Guard to secure the border (prelude to amnesty) - 05/25/10
Barack Obama wants Congress to allocate $500 million in order to send up to 1200 National Guard troops to the border. Per an unnamed administration official (link):
"[The troops will] provide intelligence; surveillance and reconnaissance support; intelligence analysis; immediate support to counternarcotics enforcement; and training capacity until Customs and Border Patrol can recruit and train additional officers and agents to serve on the border... [the funding will be used to] enhance technology at the border, share information and support with state, local, and tribal law enforcement, and...
Hundreds rally for immigration rights - 10/07/06
Bill Stewart/The Oregonian newsroom
...Portland's rally, which also drew 'critics of the Iraq war and President Bush, appeared to attract about 500 participants...