michelle rhee

Michelle Rhee of StudentsFirst

Michelle Rhee is the former chancellor of Washington DC Public Schools and now heads StudentsFirst.

She's also at least supported by those in the Koch family orbit, although it's not clear whether she has any material links to them. As discussed at the last link, the Kochs fund a long list of libertarian-oriented groups, including those that advocate for loose and even open borders.

Per this:

* Rhee spoke at the Aspen Institute‘s education summit in 2008.
* FreedomWorks employees countered an anti-Rhee protest in DC.
* Rhee was nominated for an award by the Sam Adams Alliance.
* Reason Magazine, a project of the Reason Foundation, has repeatedly rushed to Rhee’s rescue after her several scandals.
* The American Federation for Children funders (Dick and Betsy DeVos) not depicted also fund several Koch initiatives, including the Heritage Foundation and the Mackinac Center. Rhee spoke at the American Federation for Children’s policy summit.
* Tea Party (note: see tea parties), various chapters, sponsor and/or promote Rhee speaking appearances in conjunction with Waiting for Superman showings.

Last modified Jul 3, 2011
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

George Will, Michelle Rhee, Mel Martinez, Jose Vargas all hype anti-American DREAM Act and mass immigration (Christiane Amanpour) - 07/03/11

George Will, Michelle Rhee, Mel Martinez, and Jose Vargas appeared on ABC News' This Week earlier today, and all of them together with host