lincoln chafee
lincoln chafee: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Democratic Convention speakers list and immigration - 09/03/12
This post has a list of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention and links to more information on their immigration positions when known. There are also a preview of how the immigration issue will be presented at the convention, and some things you can do if you oppose illegal immigration.
NRO on Graf/Hayworth election results myth - 11/17/06
National Review offers "The Legend of Arizona", a response to the mythmakers who've tried to claim that the recent losses of Randy Graf, J.D. Hayworth, and others were because of their pro-enforcement positions. They list our favorites such as: Fred Barnes, Linda Chavez (first link), Tamar Jacoby, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Plus, they inform us that the myth has also been spread by Arlen Specter (link) and Michael Barone (link). Then:
...Time for a reality check. This year’s anti-Republican wave was indiscriminate, washing away such immigration hawks as John Hostettler and...
Steve Laffey, Lincoln Chafee, Matricula Consular cards, the NRSC, and idiots - 08/23/06
Steve Laffey is the mayor of Cranston, Rhode Island and he's trying to defeat fellow Republican Lincoln Chafee in the Senatorial primary. Apparently the National Republican Senatorial Committee supports the RINO Chafee, believing that only he can defeat the Democratic challenger.