james pethokoukis

James Pethokoukis of AEI

James Pethokoukis works at the American Enterprise Institute as their "Money & Politics" blogger.

You can reach Jim Pethokoukis at @JimPethokoukis, such as to send him links to the pages below. Even better, look up who he talks to or who talks to him on Twitter, and send them links to the pages below.

Alternative spellings of his name include: James Petohoukis, Jim Petookis, James Petahookis, James Petokoukis, Jim Petookis, James Petakookis, and others.

Last modified Feb 2, 2013
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

James Pethokoukis doesn't want you to see this (AEI, Marco Rubio, immigration) - 02/03/13

James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute doesn't want you to see how he's wrong about immigration. A few days ago, Pethokoukis offered "Is Rubio really about to ruin the Republican Party?" ( peekURL.com/zCrSvv4 ). A comment I left on that post pointing out he's wrong never appeared. Rather than keep you in suspense, here's what Pethokoukis doesn't want you to see [1]:

Conservative leaders who support Marco Rubio's amnesty (Hannity, O'Reilly, Norquist, Cardenas, Krauthammer...) - 01/22/13

This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative thought leaders (major pundits, media figures, organization heads, etc.) who support the form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) proposed by Marco Rubio.