hollywood movie

hollywood movie: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Boycott Hollywood, defund the freaks - 09/30/09

The last movie I saw in a theater was A Stranger Among Us, which - while I'm straining not to remember the circumstances - would have been around 1992. Without too much effort, I've managed to boycott Hollywood for almost a couple decades, and a good part of that is because I see no reason why I should subsidize things such as the drug habits of loopy celebrities and I see no reason why I should underwrite what is in effect profit-minded propaganda.

Crossing Over movie reviews (pro-illegal immigration film, Harrison Ford, Wayne Kramer) - 11/23/08

The new immigration-themed movie 'Crossing Over' - due out in 2009 - appears to be like 'Crash' in that it's set in Los Angeles and involves the interactions of several characters. In this case those characters are trying to become legal residents and expect it to be a perfect storm of braindead Hollywood limo liberalism meeting the Hollywood interest in having a plentiful supply of gardeners.