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Freedom in the 50 States: freedom has a big cost (Koch, Mercatus Center, GMU) - 03/28/13

The Koch family-funded Mercatus Center at George Mason University has released their "Freedom in the 50 States" report [1]. According to them, the freest state is North Dakota, followed by South Dakota, Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma. Meanwhile, the least free state is New York, followed by California, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Rhode Island.

Moe Lane of RedState, Drudge "reverse race-bait" Hawaii senator pick (Abercrombie, Inouye) - 12/27/12

Moe Lane of RedState and Matt Drudge are trying to create racial controversy where it didn't exist. Neither are doing those who oppose leftwingers playing the race card any favors.

Fukino: Obama has birth certificate on file and it matches the COLB - 04/10/11

Former Hawaii Health Director Chiyome Fukino - at the center of the Obama citizenship issue - has given an interview in which she claims that Obama has a valid birth certificate on file in Hawaii. Per her, the certificate is half handwritten and half typed and is signed by the delivering physician. She also claims that the information on the "Certification of Live Birth" ("COLB") shown on Obama's site matches what they have on file. That settles the "Birther" issue, right? Not really. Those who have concerns about whether Obama is really a citizen due to issues of his father's citizenship or...

Did Hawaii gov Abercrombie lie about seeing baby Obama? (1/09 interview) - 01/24/11

The strange tale of Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie and Barack Obama's birth certificate continues with a video from early 2009 that might contradict Abercrombie's claim to have seen Obama as a baby. See the video below, and here's the transcript: At the end of 2010, Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie said he was going to prove that Obama was born in Hawaii... He said "I was here when that baby was born." But, questioned by the NYT, he admitted that he only meant that he'd only seen Baby Obama with his parents at social events... However, it's not clear whether Obama's parents ever lived...

Hawaii governor Abercrombie won't release supposed Obama birth certificate - 01/21/11

At the end of December 2010, newly-elected Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie said he'd try to find and release Obama's original birth certificate which is supposedly on file with that state. Then a few days ago he said he'd found a "recording of the birth" that was "written down". Now, he says he can't release the (supposed) certificate (link): Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie will end his quest to prove President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii because it's against state law to release private documents, his office said Friday. State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can't...

Not credible: Neil Abercrombie misleads, now can't seem to find Obama's original birth certificate - 01/19/11

[UPDATE: Now he won't release it] In late December, 2010, newly elected Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie said this (link): "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born.' " ..."More than demonization — this is self-evisceration of politics," said Abercrombie, who raised the birthplace issue unprompted during the interview. "Empires fall and countries fall when that takes the place of discourse." Then, a later interview with Abercrombie included this (link): Mr. Abercrombie, 72, said that although he did...

"Birther Bill" failed: few requests for Obama birth information, few denials - 12/27/10

Earlier this year, Hawaii's legislature signed the so-called "Birther Bill" into law; it allowed them to ignore repeated requests from the same person for information relating to Obama's likely but not proven birth in that state. Not only did it restrict government transparency about *all* requests for information, and not only was it signed during "Sunshine Week", but none of those who push for government transparency say a peep about the law. Now it's become clear that not only was the bill not needed, but it's failed at its supposed purpose: the law has only been used six times. Instead,...

Will Espero "birther bill": might restrict government openness, increase costs (signed by Lingle) - 05/16/10

During "Sunshine Week" in March - a celebration of access to government records - Hawaii state senator Will Espero introduced a "Birther bill" designed to restrict access to government records about the Obama citizenship issue.

24%: Obama not born in U.S.; 6%: Hawaii is not a state (are they right?) - 08/19/09

Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling shows a keen lack of intellectual rigor in discussing a poll they did ("A deeper look at the birthers", link): ...62% of Americans think Obama was born here, while 24% think he was not and 14% are unsure. 10% of the country thinks that he was born in Indonesia, 7% think he was born in Kenya, and 1% think he was born in the Philippines. That leaves 20%, which includes at least some people who correctly believe that Obama was born in Hawaii, but who don't consider Hawaii to be part of the United States. You read that right- 6% of poll respondents think that...

Barack Obama gave differing accounts of which hospital he was born in (Wikipedia and Snopes too) (+Bill Press) - 07/08/09

Those who make the definitive claim that Barack Obama was born in Honolulu should know which hospital he was born in, right? How can you know for a fact that he was born there without knowing which hospital it was? Yet, not only have Snopes and Wikipedia given differing accounts of which hospital he was born in, but so has Obama himself.

Wikipedia Watch: You'd think she was Mother Teresa - 01/11/05

Can Wikipedia be trusted? Here's their article (en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Haunani-Kay_Trask) on Hawaiian separatist and University of Hawaii professor Haunani Kay Trask.