greater houston partnership
greater houston partnership: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
"Energy Citizens": tea partiers' love for corporations goes unrequited (FreedomWorks) - 08/23/09
The American Petroleum Institute is starting a new astroturf movement called "Energy Citizens": rallies in "about 20 states" designed to:
"put a human face on the impacts of unsound energy policy and to aim a loud message at those states' U.S. Senators to avoid the mistakes embodied in the House climate bill and the Obama Administration’s tax increases on our industry."
You can download a copy of the API memo here, also discussed here and discussed here in a completely credulous fashion.
If you've been following our tea parties coverage, you're probably thinking: "corporate astroturf? Call in...
Andrea Nill of ThinkProgress misleads about Joe the Plumber immigration comments at tea party - 07/06/09
The Houston tea party featured an appearance by Joe the Plumber, who said the following:
I believe in making sure our country is safe first. I believe we need to spend a little more on illegal immigrants. Get them the hell out of our damn country and close the borders down. We can do it. We’ve got the greatest military in the world and you’re telling me we can’t close our borders? - That’s just ridiculous.