from google news
from google news: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Rick Perry, NBC, Washington Post implicitly admit immigration attrition would work - 02/24/14
On the few occasions when the political establishment has even acknowledged the existence of the attrition plan to deal with illegal aliens (see the link), they've for the most part falsely claimed it wouldn't work or falsely claimed it was "cruel".
What Peter Eisner of PBS NewsHour can't figure out about skilled immigration - 10/20/13
Peter Eisner of PBS NewsHour offers a propaganda piece manqué entitled "Tight immigration rules divert high tech brains from Seattle to Santiago" ( ).
Ben Powell promotes Red Card plan, H1Bs using shaky economics (immigration, Forbes) - 10/19/13
In Forbes, Ben Powell of Texas Tech University offers "A U.S. Worker Shortage Calls For 'Red Card' Immigration Reform" ( ). A discussion of how the article is wrong follows this excerpt:
Julia Preston promotes Dayton looking the other way on illegal immigration (Ohio, headscarves) - 10/07/13
In the New York Times, immigration reporter Julia Preston offers a cookie-cutter article that follows the Crooked Town Story model. In those types of stories, a town that's supposedly in bad shape decides to look the other way on our immigration laws and - presto chango! - the town becomes a bustling hub of commerce.
NPR ignores downsides of international migration and remittances (Ashley Westerman, International Center for Journalists, U.N.) - 10/02/13
Ashley Westerman of NPR offers "World Immigration Called 'Win-Win' For Rich Nations, And Poor" [1]. The story was sponsored by the International Center for Journalists [2]. The ICJ isn't getting their money's worth as far as journalism is concerned, but they are getting it from the propaganda standpoint (bolding added):