david neiwert
david neiwert: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Dave Neiwert channels Karl Rove: supports a race-based, anti-American labor system (hacendados) - 03/22/10
Far-left illegal immigration supporter David Neiwert of Crooks and Liars, in an interview with Roy Beck of Numbers USA, channeled the bugbear of the far-left, Karl Rove, supporting a race-based labor system. In the interview, Dave Niewert supported an anti-American system where Mexican workers would do the tough, dirty jobs while Americans would - paraphrasing - sit on their verandas watching them work, just like the hacienda system popular in countries to the south.
Recall back in early 2007 when Karl Rove said the following:
"I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make...
Casey Sanchez/SPLC, Frank Sharry, Andrea Nill/CAP smear FAIR over non-existent connection (Dave Bennion) - 06/17/09
From a FAIR press release (link):
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has launched its most irresponsible attack to date against the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The SPLC claims that Shawna Forde, the alleged killer of a little girl and her father during an Arizona home invasion, had ties to FAIR. Although no association exists -- or ever has -- between Ms. Forde and FAIR, the SPLC and organizations advocating mass amnesty and open borders have used this tragedy to fuel their on-going smear campaign against FAIR and other immigration policy organizations in order to...
Dave Neiwert is very confused about identity politics (Sotomayor) - 06/06/09
David Neiwert of Crooks and Liars offers "We Stand With Sonia Sotomayor" (crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/we-stand-sonia-sotomayor) about a new solidarity campaign for her. When some of the comments others left on the post didn't break his way, Neiwert left a comment of his own:
Standing behind her has nothing to do with identity politics. Indeed, it's about refuting white male identity politics -- the primary reason for the right's opposition to her. We stand behind her because of her extraordinary qualifications and her sound legal reasoning. I don't think the fear of Catholicism is a...
Max Blumenthal/David Neiwert smear Sarah Palin (true guilt-by-association, bad reporting) - 10/09/08
Max Blumenthal - last seen here spinning a fantastic tale - joins with Mr. "white supremacist under every bed" himself, David Neiwert, to offer a smear called "Meet Sarah Palin's radical right-wing pals" (link). Their report was partly funded by the "Nation Institute Investigative Fund", which isn't getting its money's worth.
In this campaign we've heard a lot about guilt-by-association, but most have been using that phrase incorrectly. Thanks to the two authors, we finally have a real example of guilt-by-association. It's also tremendously bad reporting because - besides apparently trying to...
Amanda Marcotte can't even get smears straight (Lou Dobbs, SPLC) - 05/23/07
John Edwards' former blogging star, Amanda Marcotte, offers [1] "Lou Dobbs really, really hates Mexicans":
David Neiwert has a follow-up on the issue of Lou Dobbs trotting out numbers on national TV about Mexican nationals spreading leprosy that he got from a white supremacist group that pulled the numbers out of their asses. It's fucking disturbed that this man has a national microphone to promote racism like this. And his nastiness is getting nastier.
Actually, there are two smears involved here, and she's confusing them. The "white supremacist group" is the CCC, and Dobbs did use a...