catherine mcnicol stock

catherine mcnicol stock: Page 1

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Catherine McNicol Stock: no evidence Sarah Palin linked to white supremacists, but she comes from that area - 09/15/08

Desperately trying to glom onto AntiPalinMania, professor Catherine McNicol Stock - chair of the history department at Connecticut College - offers a hilarious slab of absolute stupidity called "Intolerance thrives in Palin's Pacific Northwest" (link). Summary: Sarah Palin is from the Pacific Northwest; there are many white supremacists and "antistatists" in the Pacific Northwest; there's no evidence that Sarah Palin is a white supremacist, but... It has been years since groups such as the Montana Militia, the Posse Comitatus and the Sagebrush Rebels, and individuals such as Terry Nichols and...