bill frist
bill frist: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Bill Frist helps Huffington Post smear half the Republicans in Tennessee - 10/16/09
The GOP has a problem with the "Birthers", but only in that they're too incompetent or corrupt to figure out how to turn the issue to their advantage or at least minimize its impact. Instead, establishment Republicans and their minor league helpers keep doing the opposite: helping Obama, the Democrats, and the mainstream media at the same time as they hurt their base.
The latest example of that was offered by former senator Bill Frist. Per Sam Stein of the Huffington Post (
Speaking at a conference in Washington D.C., the...
Schwarzenegger, Perry, Napolitano, Richardson urge "comprehensive" immigration reform - 08/26/06
The four border governers (Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, Rick Perry of Texas, Janet Napolitano of Arizona