ben powell
Ben Powell (Benjamin Powell)
Benjamin Powell is a free-market, loose borders economist
* Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute
* Professor at the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University and director of that university's "Free Market Institute".
* Associate Professor at Suffolk University
* Fellow at the Mercatus Center (funded by the Koch family)
The Free Market Institute was started with a $4 million grant from an "anonymous West Texas cattle rancher" ( ).
Powell received his PhD from George Mason University, home of the Mercatus Center. His video discussed in the second post from the bottom was from the Institute for Humane Studies, also part of the Koch network.
It's not known if there are any Koch links to the Independent Institute or the Rawls College of Business, but the Free Market Institute does promote various Koch programs on their "Resources for Students" page (depts.ttu . edu/freemarketinstitute/students.php).