austin: Page 1
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Martha Mendoza of AP misleads over crime on U.S.-Mexico border - 06/03/10
The latest establishment attempt to support illegal immigration and undercut those who want stronger border enforcement comes from Martha Mendoza of the Associated Press. The original AP title is "AP Impact: US-Mexico border isn't so dangerous" [1] and it's based on statistics contained in a new FBI report [2] and on data they received via a FOIA request from Customs and Border Protection (CBP):
It's one of the safest parts of America, and it's getting safer.
It's the U.S.-Mexico border, and even as politicians say more federal troops are needed to fight rising violence, government data...
Some police chiefs support "reform", oppose 287g; Damien Cave/NYT misleads about immigration law - 07/02/09
Damien Cave of the New York Times offers "Big-City Police Chiefs Urge Overhaul of Immigration Policy" (link).
DailyKos' Netroots Nation has Mexican government-linked group - 07/15/08
All rightthinking comrades will be in Austin, Texas this weekend for DailyKos' Netroots Nation, a convention formerly known as YearlyKos.
A search of the site shows just one session relating to immigration, called nutrootsily enough "How to Win the Immigration Debate and Beat Back ICE's Emerging Police State" ( Put on your diving cap and try to follow their logic:
With Congress held hostage to a vocal minority of hard-line immigration restrictionists stirred up by right-wing websites and talk-radio, the Bush administration has launched a series of showy "crack-...
Group announces massive immigrants rights march - 04/03/07
[[Quita Culpepper]]/[[KVUE]]/[[April 3, 2007]]/ link
The [[Austin Immigrants Rights Coalition]] gathered at Austin City Hall Tuesday morning, calling for a massive march to show lawmakers how they feel about certain legislation.
...They're hoping thousands will show up in Austin for a rally on April 10...
...said [[Chris Jimmerson]], [[Political Asylum Project]] of Austin.
Commerce chief defends raids - 03/31/07
Dallas Morning News/Dianne Solis/[[March 22, 2007]]/ link
Subtitle: Drain on labor force illustrates need for legalized path, he says
Describes the same press conference as Secretary calls for reform
Texas Employers for Immigration Reform - 03/31/07
Association of Texas companies and groups calling for immigration "reform" (a massive amnesty) and a "guest" worker program. Chairman is Bill Hammond, president of the Texas Association of Business in Austin (Secretary calls for reform).
Commerce chief defends raids
Secretary calls for reform
LULAC, MALDEF, ACLU, business groups fight Texas immigration bills - 02/16/07
A new, apparently unnamed coalition has been formed in Texas to fight state bills designed to reduce illegal immigration. The coalition is using the standard pretext that immigration is a federal responsibility. Of course, they realize that the feds have abrogated their responsibilities; were the feds to enforce the laws, they would push for more local control.
"Banks aim to help immigrants send money home" - 01/27/06
What a heart-warming title to this CSM report (link). Of course, they don't go into the downsides: billions of dollars is flowing out of the country and being used to prop up corrupt foreign governments and depriving those countries of the citizens and industries they need to improve. And, that encourages those corrupt governments to send us even more of their people. And, many of those "immigrants" are in fact illegal aliens.
"New ID Cards Help Immigrants Keep Their Money Safe" - 09/30/04
The following is an alleged news report from Austin TX's KXAN:
The Mexican consulate has announced a program which puts a face, literally, on thousands of Mexican immigrants.
Authorities say something as simple as an identification card will save money and lives.
It's an important day for immigrants. Many of them live and work in the shadows, with no formal identification card and no place to put their money.