alianza dominicana

alianza dominicana: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

NCLR, LULAC, MALDEF, SEIU, LNHI: universal healthcare for illegal aliens (Latino Agenda for Healthcare Reform) - 12/23/08

On December 12, the group Latinos for National Health Insurance (LNHI, president Jaime Torres) convened a meeting in Washington DC where they and a host of other groups created a coalition called the Latino Agenda for Healthcare Reform. They called for an end to a supposed disparity in healthcare coverage between Hispanics and other groups. And, they also demanded "access to high quality, culturally and linguistically competent care to every man, woman and child who lives in the United States and its territories". In other words, they want universal healthcare to include illegal aliens....

New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights - 02/21/07

Coalition that wants to give "immigrants" voting rights in New York City. Site: "Statement of Principles": One of those is: "We need to close the gap between local government and the people it serves. New York government officials 'do not adequately reflect the faces of the people they represent." Members of the group: