Once again: how to block or modify the healthcare reform bill

The reason why Obama healthcare is currently poised to be signed into law is, to be frank, because the leaders of the opposition are either incompetent or corrupt. They either don't want to block it and hope to get in on the gravy train, or they just aren't smart enough to figure out how to block it. Those opposition leaders include the GOP, the tea parties, pundits, and major bloggers. They've so far concentrated on cheap stunts, anti-intellectual behavior, being distracted by baubles, and on and on.

If you want to block health care reform, help promote the plan on the question authority page. You don't even have to do much: at the least you can promote that plan to others and suggest that they form local groups. Those groups need to come up with good questions that are designed to show how the supporters of healthcare reform aren't thinking through the impacts of the bill.

Note that ranting and throwing tantrums - as was suggested explicitly or implicitly by the incompetent or corrupt leaders - does not work. That's a proven failure: if it were going to work it would have worked before, and it did not.

Note that weak questioners asking weak, open-ended questions doesn't work either: politicians can handle such questions with ease. Opponents need to give tough questions to those who are experienced at "cross-examining" people.

And, of course, note that engaging in philosophical discussions about the morality of redistribution or other Randroid rants don't work because the vast majority of Americans are opposed to such fringe theories.

In order to succeed you have to come up with questions that resonate with a broad swath of Americans and are designed to make politicians look bad. Then, you need to have the right people ask those questions.

Please promote the plan at the link above, and ask your leaders why they aren't promoting that plan but instead are simply encouraging more tantrums.


The American Spectator has a convincing article describing why the Obamacare bill is unconstitutional. See....... http://spectator.org/blog/2009/12/22/conservative-leaders-against-t How sweet it would be if the courts decided against BO and the corruptocrats and we could throw this bill back into their faces. Without mandatory participation by all, the bill is just so much cellulose and ink.

Signed by Freedomworks and Grover Norquist no less: two of the leaders the post is referring to. While the threat of a lawsuit is somewhat credible, it's not going to have much of an impact because bill supporters will decide to take their chances. And, opponents would need to establish a fund to challenge the bill; the challenge might never happened. What they're proposing is "war". What the post is about is a smart "insurgency". Their proposal would require great resources; mine would not (at least monetarily). My proposal uses leverage: a little bit of effort can be used to get those who have much more influence to do what you want them to do. In KOTH terms, what they're proposing is like Hank at the DMV. What I'm proposing is like Dale getting the DMV clear to press a button and solve the problem.

nothing is unconstitutional in a lawsless land, and soon the so called government will make all this BS About healthcare mean nothing when the mass amnesty becomes the law of the lawsless land, so get ready its going to be fun.

Ask your leaders to promote the plan??????????? You are clueless. Americans have been faxing ,phoning,questioning ,marching and railing for several years. YOU just don't get it. REALITY BITES.

Mary is right but this government is not of the people its about mass murder of people and rights and duty, it is our enemy it is a political activist government that loves to hate Americans and with mass race Lareconquista Americans will become a doomed people.