Obama misleads about immigration yet again (May 10, 2011 El Paso version)
For the past three years or so, Barack Obama has been giving the same immigration speech. In fact, his speeches about the topic aren't that much different from those that George W Bush and a multitude of other hacks have read.
Today's Obama immigration speech in El Paso was no different. Sure, there were a few new points like him falsely implying that the Republicans want to build a "moat" along the border. However, he used the same tired and misleading talking points that he's used before and that Bush, Tamar Jacoby, Frank Sharry, and dozens of other hacks have used.
So, to save time, a link to a transcript of his speech is here, and here's my list of bogus immigration talking points. Among the more noteworthy bogus talking points he used were: system is broken, immigration wage floor, immigration tradition fallacy, and secure the border. How many more can you spot?
A (360kb) screengrab of my Twitter feed where I pointed out in real time additional ways he was misleading or promoting bad policies is here.
If anyone believed anything Obama said in his speech, leave a comment on this post and I'll try to change your mind.
ADDED: Another bogus talking point Obama used is living in the shadows. Is there one he didn't use? In addition to canards, Obama also promoted the anti-American DREAM Act. That bill would allow the illegal aliens covered by it to take college educations away from needy U.S. citizens.
ADDED2: Obama also used the welcome the stranger canard. I ask again: is there a talking point he did *not* use?
6/.9/11 UPDATE: Perhaps not surprisingly and perhaps not unjustifiably, Obama's "moat" comment got the most attention, despite the fact that practically every other word in the speech was misleading. So, here's the part where Obama mentioned the moat:
"We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement. All the stuff they asked for, we’ve done. But even though we’ve answered these concerns, I’ve got to say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time... You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol. Or now they’re going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol. Or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. (Laughter.) Maybe they want alligators in the moat. (Laughter.) They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That’s politics."
It certainly isn't trivial when a U.S. president mocks the border security concerns of millions of Americans, but pointing out that he was misleading would be more effective at reducing whatever support he receives on this issue.