Greg Sargent downplays illegal aliens taking stimulus bill jobs
Greg Sargent - a lightweight online "reporter" previously associated with Josh Marshall - now works for "Who Runs Gov", a Washington Post publication. A recent post follows talking points from others and tries to downplay the fact that - due to actions taken by high-level Democrats - a very large number of illegal aliens will be able to get jobs under the stimulus plan [1]:
Mainstream news outlets such as USA Today and CNN have pushed this line, citing a "study" done by a self-described immigration "think tank" that happens to promote anti-immigration materials. But a quick look at the facts shows that this assertion is built on shaky to non-existent evidence.
Sargent is simply trying to distract his readers from the fact that the Democrats are - once again - selling out U.S. workers. Every stimulus job that goes to an illegal alien is one that was taken away from a U.S. citizen. The Dems could have prevented that, but instead stripped a provision from the stimulus bill that would have ensured that only U.S. citizens were hired. The 300,000 number might be off - as I've pointed out - but it's still in the ballpark. And, even if it's just 100,000 - an unbelievably low number - that means that 100,000 unemployed U.S. citizens will have had a stimulus job taken away from them.
Due to a technical issue I'm unable to access the WhoRunsGov site directly, but I urge you to leave comments there pointing out what Sargent is doing. This appears to be part of a coordinated effort, and it would be good to nip it in the bud.
eh (not verified)
Thu, 03/12/2009 - 11:05
HS 17633 2009-03-12T13:05:15-05:00
_...a self-described immigration "think tank" that happens to promote anti-immigration materials._ Can't have that! And what might those "materials" consist of? Perhaps in some cases demographic facts along with cogent arguments? Actually any reasonably intelligent and intellectually honest (key caveat here) person who takes a look at the facts, including the on-the-ground reality of what is the near invasion of America by literally millions of Hispanic peasants, will soon become "ant-immigration".