Glenn Reynolds promotes Kochtopus, jeering of a Senator, and not fully effective protests; dismisses Katrina concerns
It's been a great week for Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit. In between sending people off to Amazon, he:
1. Promoted an internship position with the Charles G. Koch Foundation. That's part of the empire ("the Kochtopus") that funds Beltway libertarians ("cosmotarians"). What funding they receive from various entities is unknown, but examples of "cosmos" are Reason Magazine and the Cato Institute. See this for more on that empire. Insty says: "If [Tony Woodlief] likes it, then it’s probably worth your time" ( I'm having a great deal of trouble believing that Insty had never heard of that foundation and their efforts before.
2. Linked to the article "Sen. Specter Jeered For Voting For Stimulus Plan" (, link). While jeering politicians can be effective, something much, much more effective would be to ask them tough questions. Yet, for some reason, Insty refuses to urge his readers to get out there and ask tough questions.
3. Promoted a series of anti-stimulus bill protests (for instance: That sends a slightly better message than jeering, but it's still not as effective as discrediting a politician. Especially because some of the signs might be considered "mean-spirited" by, for instance, those who are unemployed. And, even more so because almost all of those protesting no doubt voted for at least Congressmen who opposed the bill rather than for those who voted for it. They are not, to my knowledge, attempting to reach across the aisle to Democrats or Independents. In other words, they aren't trying to peel off Obama supporters but are to a good extent simply putting on a show in an echo chamber.
4. Dismissed the concerns of at least the leftwing regarding Katrina ("So, kinda like the Katrina stuff, this Guantanamo stink was all just a bunch of political propaganda?" Certainly, some complaints about Katrina were simply reflexive Bush-bashing. However, it's worth recalling the reflexive Bush support for his actions during Katrina and the rebuilding exhibited by Insty and those in his orbit. What should have been done is described here; seeing what Insty supported at the time is left as an exercise, but it certainly wasn't to support an effective, pro-American plan.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 02/21/2009 - 10:50
HS 17462 2009-02-21T12:50:38-06:00
The so called stimulus plan is part of the dismantling plan, sad face is both are doing what the boys want the total dismantling of the USA. within 2 years you will see it working.