Stimulus cost: $3.27 trillion over 10 years if Democratic programs allowed to continue

Rep. Paul Ryan asked the Congressional Budget Office to estimate how much the stimulus plan would cost if increased funding for the twenty most Democratic Party-friendly provisions in the bill are made permanent.

The cost: $2.527 trillion over ten years in spending, coupled with $744 billion for interest with a grand total of $3.27 trillion (link).

When the time comes expect the Dems to fully demagogue making those increases permanent.

The ones mentioned at the link are "Head Start, Medicaid, COBRA, and the Earned Income Tax Credit". The fourteen shown in the graphic are:

Pell Grants and College Work Study, Head Start, Early Head Start, Title I Help for Disadvantaged Kids, Education for Homeless Children & Youth, IDEA Special Education, CCDBG, NSF Employment in Science and Engineering, NIH Funding for Biomedial Research, Increased Funding for Prevention and Wellness, Increased Funding for Senior Nutrtion, Increased funding for LIHEAP, Expansion of AmeriCorps, Increase in funding for state & local law enforcement.

Regarding just one of those, see the National Association of State Title I Directors release "House passes stimulus package with Education and Title I as key components" (link). I have a feeling that they and all the others who receive funding under the stimulus bill are going to fight tooth and nail to keep receiving their money.


$3.27 TRILLION Anymore I'm not sure if that's a lot or not.

3.27 Trillion is about what Ive spent on porno