John McCain wants townhall meeting with Barack Obama "in front of La Raza" (NCLR convention)

Both John McCain and Barack Obama will be speaking at the National Council of La Raza convention in July, and McCain has proposed to BHO that they square off at a townhall meeting at the extremist-funding and -awarding racial power group's event (link). Says McCain:

"There is a meeting in California of La Raza... Both of us have accepted invitations. I say that we have a town hall meeting together in front of La Raza. I think that the people will be far more informed and in some ways, entertained if we had that format."

There's a difference between the NCLR and "la raza", with the latter referring to all people of a specific racial background. McCain's use of a short version of their name is more than a bit questionable, considering that not all who would be considered "raza" agree with the NCLR. It's also questionable if we just use English in his statement:

"There is a meeting in California of The Race... Both of us have accepted invitations. I say that we have a town hall meeting together in front of The Race. I think that the people will be far more informed and in some ways, entertained if we had that format."


Discraceful pandering to foreign nationals who are here only because they violated our Law[s] are enough to make you want to start a revolution. There is no better way to see the level of treason played upon us, then to come to CA and see what the hell our Government has allowed to happen to the people it suppossed to represent. It truly is mind boggling to experience the level of corruption in our State Gov. due to the unrellenting greed and cheap labor at all costs mentality. Gonna go have some taco's now.

Piggish greed and corruption is the face of politics today in this country. They no longer even make any pretense of caring what American citizens think anymore. It is a nightmare of epic porportions that we have been SHUT OUT of this election. We are in the throes of a choosing one traitor or the other trator. They are both venal and poisonous to this country. The revolution needs to start soon before they have a chance to destroy what little is left of this once great country.

If they do Barr and Nader will pick up votes.