Now, onto Prop. 51

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I find it difficult to agree with state Senator Kevin Murray. You know, Mr. Driving While Black. Er, better make that Driving While Black or Brown. Er, how about Driving While Being A Person of Color? But, will that include Asians or not? (Shortly after Kevin's non-prostitute-related incident, I sent him an email about how I had been stopped by the BevHills cops mainly because I was driving a cheap car and despite me being completely Aryan. He never responded.)

Anyways, Kev had this to say to the author of Proposition 51: "The question is why aren't you in jail?"

While I wouldn't go quite that far, the author has admitted to trading campaign contributions to the Yes on 51 campaign in exchange for heaping big slices of pork from said Proposition.

You can see a chart of what contributions were made, and what was given in return here.

For instance, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians donated $500,000 and got a $120 million rail line to their casino in return.

On the other hand, Proposition 51 has some backers with which I'm somewhat familiar, such as North East Trees, the River Center (presumably the L.A. River Center) and the LA Bicycle Coalition (presumably the LA County Bicycle Coalition).

On the other hand, they also roll out the "it's for the kids" gambit. Because of that, and because of the pork, I think I'll vote with Kev on this one.