John McCain: Two Lies in Forty Seconds
Posted Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 9:27 am
Instapundit conducted an interview with Senator John McCain, and here's my video reply to the segment relating to illegal immigration:
Old Atlantic (not verified)
Sat, 09/02/2006 - 10:52
Thanks for keeping track of John McCain with a truth meter. McCain is a PcP, Privileged Child of Privilege. This group includes George Bush and Teddy Kennedy as well as Prof Child Profs, i.e. children of profs who become profs. They almost all support immigration.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 07/14/2006 - 13:56
thank you! now i know that both Bush and McCain are nothing but drug dealers for mexico. The fact is all you see is a trojan horse for the third world drug dealers to take us down as a people of laws. In fact almost all of our government is on the side of rats and mass killers and our congress is the enemy of the people. if people don't stand up with the will to do the right thing we will all be living inside a corrupt non nation called aztlan/la raza and the new ruler will think nothing of killing you like dogs.
don't be a fool fight back with the will to win this fight for life against mass death.