Base responds to Dick Morris' Base Desires
Posted Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 7:15 pm
On June 26, the political hack penned "Base Desires":
A recent poll by Tarrance Associates shows how out-of-touch the House leadership is with rank and file Republican voters. Far from appeasing the "base" by their tough position on immigration, they are alienating the very voters upon whom they most depend...Now, several apparently rank-and-file Republicans have replied. The Post might not have printed all the letters it received and some of them might have actually supported Morris. In any case:
...No one with any common sense believes the Senate immigration bill would really be enforced...
... You can sit in New York or Washington and analyze all the surveys you want, but the real base will not support a plan that includes amnesty...
...Morris has sold out to Bush's "comprehensive" immigration plan...
...Morris wrote about a disenfranchised class with no hope of political participation... I believe most Americans feel they are the disenfranchised... No matter what the majority wants, politicians do what they please...
...What planet is Morris and the administrator of this poll living on?...
...Maybe too much Clinton-ese has rubbed off on him...
eh (not verified)
Mon, 07/03/2006 - 00:35
Curiously, the poll Morris refers to seems to be associated with the Manhattan Institute, one of whose 'scholars' is Heather Macdonald.