"Anti-War Leaders Fear US Fast Food Threat to Iraq"
From the give-us-any-straw-to-hold-on Department, comes this:
Many Iraqi citizens have taken to the streets in recent days to celebrate their freedom from dictator Saddam Hussein. But that joy could turn to sorrow, anti-war protesters warn, when the Iraqis begin to see their country adopt western cultural values.
Stephanie Schaudel, co-coordinator for Voices in the Wilderness, an anti-war group in Chicago, said the "richness of culture" in Iraq is going to be subjected to Americanization by U.S. corporations during the post-war rebuilding of the war-torn nation. The result, she indicated, would be difficult for Iraqis to swallow.
Blah, blah. They're Special People with a Special Culture, and it would be shame for them to be destroyed by Western culture, etc. etc.