AP/Arthur H. Rotstein: some of my best friends are Minutemen
The AP offers the biased report "Vigilante Anti-Immigration Group Gaining" about the Minuteman Project. A search shows that that's the original AP title, and not the one from Yahoo. (Fox calls it "Minuteman Project Gains Popularity", two AZ sources change it: KVOA, AZ Daily Sun, as do two ND sources: IN Forum, Grand Forks Herald. About 50 other sources have the same title as Yahoo.)
Obviously, the MMP don't call themselves "vigilantes"; it was Our Leader and others who came up with that. And, they aren't "anti-immigration", so the AP starts out with a lie. But, of course, that spirit continues:
The Minuteman Project was launched earlier this year amid fears that racist crackpots would rough up illegal immigrants trying to slip into this country.
Yes, but it would be helpful if the AP would tell us who was doing the fear-mongering: the "so-called" liberal media and far-left, pro-illegal immigration groups. Then, they inform us that that fear-mongering was wrong, and give us some good news:
And even critics of the movement acknowledge its participants are not all bigots or extremists.
Hey, I can play that game too: not all members of the MSM are far-left, anti-American propagandists. Then they quote a member of Morris Dees' Southern Poverty Law Center:
..."there are real strains of racism and anti-Semitism in this movement." Still, "the movement has attracted people who are not Klansmen or neo-Nazis."
Can I play again too? Not all members of the media are traitors.
While they do provide a quote from Dan Stein of FAIR, they also quote an Arizona sociologist to give us some "historical" background.
And, they end by giving us a few links to those mentioned in the story. Except, for one reason or another, the National Immigration Forum gets a link, but wasn't mentioned...