The Girls of CodePink

Shown here (direct link), Tiffany out of CodePink has a nice smile and a definitely nice pose. Her turn-ons include protesting, tofu, and Caribbean dictators. Turn-offs include the Bush administration, the Bush Crime Family, and traffic. She's got some mean hips. For those with "speciality" interests, another member of the organization is shown here.

UPDATE: I meant to include this before, but it's never too late for more sweetness and light. Another Code Pink babe's turnons include George Soros, gas-guzzling SUVs, and shopping. Turnoffs include accent reduction lessons, gas-guzzling SUVs, mean people, and unstylish clothing.

arianna huffington codepink


Jeez -- Put a warning on that link for 'specialty interests'. I know it's Halloween and all, but that is just too scary.

Social justice is dead on the money.

But also remember all you see and all you read is for someones political and race propaganda like the rats in our government who love the ideals of aztlan and work with La Raza ( the race: just like the KKK ) in fact we have no solutions to any of our so called social problem but one! open war against a totally corrupt government, which needs a big tree with lots of rope.

"social justice"

Is something they're interested in. This term is used something like "racist" is in the immigration debate -- just define something as involving "social justice", and if someone opposes it then they're automatically discredited because who could possibly be against "social justice"? Affirmative action is one example.

I think you are very confused. The Code Pink girls are found here: