"Pakistan still a major threat, say experts"
Article here. Was there a point in time that it wasn't a major threat?
"I don't think anybody above the assistant secretary level is paying any attention to this (problem)," Teresita C. Schaffer, director of the South Asia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told United Press International.
Since Sept. 11, the Bush administration has portrayed Pakistan as a frontline ally in the war on terrorism, but critics say that the Pakistani government's cooperation has been spotty at best. Thousands of members of al-Qaida -- including Osama bin Laden -- are believed to have taken refuge in Pakistan under a political and military regime with strong ties to fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups. Elements within the Pakistani military and intelligence agencies have connections with al-Qaida and the Taliban, and longstanding ties with numerous other terrorist groups that are working to undermine Indian control of the disputed Kashmir border region...
Sujay S (not verified)
Mon, 10/06/2003 - 07:22
Why does America tolerate Pakistan when:
1)Pakistan is not a democracy
2)Lashkar and Jaish-e-Muhammad are TERROR OUTFITS recognized by the world and is known to operate inside pakistan
3)The pakistani army assisted the Taliban in capturing Afghanistan
4)pakistan sponsors terrorists to strike India - the world's greatest democracy (in diversity).
5)Osama established al Qaieda from within pakistan
6)A good number of the 9/11 hijackers were from pakistan
7)There were celebrations in Karachi when the world mourned on 9/11
8)There is an evident link between the rogue state of North Korea and Pakistan
9)The Kargil war triggered by Pakistan caused a lot of tensions in the region
10) there is a military dictator who rules pakistan
Maybe a lean towards India will benefit America, as India is a big Consumer Market (many times the population of pakistan) and we all drink coke.