I like Raisin Bran too!

Actually, I combine 99 cents store bran flakes with raisins from the same place, thus saving money over both the Raisin Bran brand and the supermarket generic equivalent.

Other than that, there are only minor differences between me and Saddam Hussein:
[SH's American guards found Hussein] to be a friendly, talkative "clean freak" who loved Raisin Bran for breakfast, did his own laundry and insisted he was still president of Iraq, says a report published on Monday.

The article quotes the GIs on Saddam's eating preferences - Raisin Bran Crunch was his breakfast favorite. "No Froot Loops," he told O'Shea. He ate fish and chicken but refused beef at dinner.

For a time his favorite food was Cheetos, and when those ran out, Saddam would "get grumpy," the story says. One day the guards substituted Doritos corn chips, and Saddam forgot about Cheetos. "He'd eat a family size bag of Doritos in 10 minutes," Dawson says.

Saddam believes he will be restored to power.
Other than the mass murder, torture, chemical weapons, and megalomania, he's just like you and me.

(More here)

UPDATE: In an exclusive interview with Saddam's guards, FHM will reveal Saddam's most unrequited desire: to eat a corn chip straight off the line.


Actually, thats the only thing that will restore order to Iraq. Yup- Put him back. With the death and destruction going on, one can understand his past "attitude". The Iraqi militants only understand brute force... They are not civilized people and never will be...