Blogs for Bush: off the Kool-Aid?
Posted Thu, May 12, 2005 at 9:19 pm
A few days ago, Blogs For Bush, aka "Kool-Aid Central", announced the winners of their... stamp contest. I kid you not. The emotionally immature, ideologically insecure fanboys at B4B had a contest to design a George W. Bush stamp. The winner's at the link. The picture to the right would have been my entry had I known about the contest.
However, an entry today reports on the Washington Times article "Border Patrol Told To Stand Down In Arizona". It includes this:
And, for those who haven't been following this story, one of the reasons I laugh at B4B is their habit of deleting my comments. Start in My picture is in the KoolAid Central dictionary under "troll" for the backstory.
However, an entry today reports on the Washington Times article "Border Patrol Told To Stand Down In Arizona". It includes this:
If we have another 911-type attack on our soil, and it is shown, that they came through the Mexican border, then there is going to be hell to pay to both political parties for totally ignoring the problem.Will that entry (from Paul Lewis) be allowed to remain there? Will Paul Lewis be sent to the gulags in West Texas? Stay tuned.
I Love President Bush and admire greatly the leadership he has shown on the war on terror. I cannot begin to fathom the stress that he is constantly under. This illegal immigration is the one and only issue that I totally disagree with him on. You can bet the ranch that I am not alone, by any stretch, when it comes to this issue.
And, for those who haven't been following this story, one of the reasons I laugh at B4B is their habit of deleting my comments. Start in My picture is in the KoolAid Central dictionary under "troll" for the backstory.
The Lonewacko Blog (not verified)
Wed, 05/18/2005 - 17:37
At I have limited capabilities. All I can do is post to their diaries section, and none of my diary entries have been moved to their front page. And, unlike other sites I can't edit what I post there. Others have higher privileges, and they might be able to delete comments themselves. I've also posted some anti-Bush diary entries over there, and they weren't deleted and AFAIK they're still there. Posting at redstate is something I do not so much to inform the readers of that site but for other reasons I'm not going to specify.
Please don't make this an anti-redstate site or abuse this offer, but if there's some really important comment you leave there that gets deleted post the comment here with a notice that the comment is OT. Or, state an anti-redstate blog.
eh (not verified)
Wed, 05/18/2005 - 00:20
"just a BS comment"
Well, the key question is of course how is this defined?
In general I've had comments containing no profanity, or anything else objectionable in that same sense, deleted, I guess because they riled the site's responsibles. You know, rather than make an intelligent reply -- construct a counterargument -- they just delete the comment. Which I find childish -- pretty much pathetic and comtemptible, actually. Although I recognize their right to do it. I just don't think they should.
To make it clear, my question was about you bemoaning comment deletion while at the same time contributing to a site that seems to do it aggressively, just going by their guidelines.
The Lonewacko Blog (not verified)
Tue, 05/17/2005 - 09:15
I'm a contributor to several sites, all of which have different policies. What they do is their own business, but if someone leaves a comment at my post that's deleted and I consider it to be other than just a BS comment I might do something about it.
As for the comments here, I usually only delete spam comments. I reserve the right to delete or edit comments at will, but I do not assume any responsibility to do so and all comments left here reflect the viewpoints of the authors, not this site.
I've edited a few comments. Someone left their phone number here expecting Joe Rogan to call. I removed that. Someone gave what appeared to be Nicholas De Genova's home address, and that was deleted. Someone left a huge press release and I replaced it with the URL to the press release. Someone left a couple on-topic URLs but put a spammy URL in the URL field on the form. I left the on-topic URLs and removed the spammy URL.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 05/17/2005 - 03:17
What is the comment policy on the B4B site?
I noticed this report, apparently written by you, on another site, redstate:
Here is the comment policy for the redstate site:
[A little clarification is in order. Pursuant to the mission statement, this site is explicitly meant to serve as a conservative and Republican community. Postings, comments, etc., contrary to this purpose fall under the rubric of "disruptive behavior" and will result in banning.]
So it appears if you post an offending comment -- however that's defined and decided -- not only will it be deleted, but you will be banned.
How is this significantly different from the B4B behavior your knock? In general what do you think about sites that delete comments or have such a policy?
Digger (not verified)
Fri, 05/13/2005 - 00:43
I like your stamp. If Bush stays the course your stamp will be worth millions!