"U.S. Immigration Ineffective at Deporting Illegals"
According to this article:
The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service is ineffective at deporting illegal aliens and fails to properly expel foreigners who may include potential terrorists, a Justice Department report said on Wednesday.
A report by the department's inspector general found that only 13 percent of all illegal aliens who have been ordered out of the country but have not been detained, have actually left.
By contrast, the INS has removed almost 94 percent of those illegal aliens with "final removal orders" who are being held in the agency's custody.
...only six percent of illegal foreigners from countries identified by the United States as "sponsors of terrorism" who were not under arrest but had been ordered deported, ever left.
...just three percent of the illegal aliens whose applications for asylum in the United States had been denied [ever left].
Compare that with 'A gift to criminal aliens':
Doris Meissner, President Clinton's Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) commissioner, used her last hours in office to issue a directive reminiscent of Mr. Clinton's criminal pardons.
But while Mr. Clinton's pardons targeted a finite group of criminals and sparked national controversy, Miss Meissner's directive targets an open-ended class of criminals and has gone almost unnoticed.