NYT editorial: "On Guard, America"
[also posted here]
The editorial "On Guard, America" (link) says: "Eleven states grant [driver's licenses to illegal immigrants] as a way to encourage highway safety and accident insurance coverage."
That statement is disingenuous at best.
Consider, for instance, California. State Sen. Gil Cedillo has sponsored numerous bills to give DLs to illegal aliens. His supposed reason, repeated over and over, is for "public safety."
However, when you look at his other remarks you begin to get any idea what his real agenda is: "Actors, writers and musicians want you to pay all the costs for their cheap labor".
That link describes the recent Variety ad from Mike Farrell and others supporting DLs for illegal nannies.
Whether it's so their domestic help can drive across town to their jobs, or so illegal aliens can have ready access to Motor Voter forms, or because they've simply been paid off, much of the support for DLs for illegal aliens has nothing whatsoever to do with "public safety." Anyone who says that it's about "public safety" loses whatever credibility they might have once had.