BigMediaBlog is for <b>your</b> comments
John S. Bolton comments on NYT's drive for diversity in the NYT category over at BigMediaBlog:
Each day, BigMediaBlog tries to keep the Big Media honest. But, we need your help. If you spot a post at Instapundit or DailyKos or one of a dozen other sites and it's just plain wrong or you disagree with it, leave your comments over at BigMediaBlog.
Most of the sites featured at BigMediaBlog don't have comments or have restrictive comment policies. For instance, BlogsForBush has deleted a few of my comments, so, better late than never, a new category just for that site has been added.
In addition to BlogsForBush, Instapundit, and DailyKos, there are daily threads for these sites:
Andrew Sullivan
Talking Points Memo
Professor Bainbridge
National Review
Other MSM
Other media
And, BigMediaBlog has a comments feed that you can subscribe to. (It uses MT-Blacklist, so hopefully spam won't be that much of a problem.)