Darrell Issa apparently wants your input

SacBee [1]:

The California congressman who bankrolled signature gathering for the recall of Gov. Gray Davis has taken a first step toward financing a constitutional amendment that would deny benefits to illegal immigrants in the state.

Rep. Darrell Issa, through the Rescue California Leadership Committee, is mailing letters to every voter who circulated a petition last year to recall the Democratic governor...

...his consultant, David Gilliard, said Issa is testing whether to join the drive to qualify the ballot measure. Gilliard said Issa is looking "very seriously" at providing financing for the new petition drive and will make his decision "before Christmas, maybe."

You can contact him [2] and let him know you would support this.

[1] sacbee · com/content/politics/story/11782240p-12667004c.html
[2] www.issa · house · gov