Oh yeah? So, when's the last time a magazine's web editor misstated *your* position?
Reason Magazine is apparently a well-known libertarian magazine with a press run of somewhere around 10,000 or 20,000 issues, most of them distributed for free on racks at AR*CO.
OK, maybe their circulation is more around 50,000 or something.
In any case, their Hit & Run blog frequently posts pro-Open Borders posts, and I frequently tell them exactly where they're wrong.
With that background, they recently posted (reason . com/hitandrun/2004/12/bye_bye_bernie.shtml) on Bernie Kerik withdrawing his name from consideration for the head of the DHS. They pointed to this article (direland.typepad . com/direland/2004/12/hes_out_bernie_.html) by journalist Doug Ireland.
On the latest thread I commented:
I can think up three reasons not having to do "the immigration debate" why Kerik continuing to have an illegal alien nanny would be a bad idea. Can you do better?
Doesn't Doug Ireland write for the L.A. Weekly or something? Couldn't you find a better link? It was certainly action-packed, but surely a few links with the similar information from other sources might be a bit more credible.
As for Kerik's possible replacement, let's hope Asa Hutchinson is no longer in the running.
That resulted in Tim Cavanaugh posting the following:
I don't often stand up for the Lonewacko, but this characterization is a crock. He's up to head the department charged with overseeing not only all immigration but all movement into and out of the United States; even if it were not a woefully dysfunctional department that recently detained an 81-year-old Baptist minister with a valid visa until he died, the DHS needs an unimpeachable hand at the top. It doesn't take an anti-immigration wacko to perceive that Kerik's failure to follow the rules with an out-of-status employee is a straightforward dealbreaker. If the head of the IRS cheats on his taxes, you don't need a debate about the rightness or wrongness of the income tax to understand that he shouldn't be holding that job.
Tim - for those not in with the in crowd - is Reason's web editor (reason . com/cavanaugh/bio.shtml). Admittedly this isn't as good as if I'd had my positions misstated by, say, Nick Gillespie, but I'll take it.
(P.S. Two of the possible downsides I was thinking of were: blackmail or spying by the illegal alien worker. The fact that the Reasonoids are unable to come up with those as possibilities indicates yet another reason why libertarians should be kept as far from the levers as possible.)