"Poor leadership at ICE cited as security threat"
From the WashTimes:
U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement's ability to gather and share intelligence data, conduct the investigations needed to guard the nation's borders against terrorists and enforce immigration law is being challenged by a growing number of ICE supervisors and agents.
Both supervisory and rank-and-file personnel, in numerous interviews, said the Department of Homeland Security agency is overwhelmed by low morale, mismanagement and the lack of a clearly defined mission, and said the lack of effective leadership threatens its ability to defend the United States against a new terrorist attack.
At least two congressional committees are reviewing the accusations and have met with ICE supervisors and agents to discuss the matter.
"Serious accusations have been made and there is a concerted effort under way to determine their validity and, more importantly, find out how they impact the country's ability to fight the war on terrorism," said one congressional investigator. "The complaints are specific and widespread. We take them seriously."...[ICE supervisors and agents] questioned whether ICE has sought to maintain the legacy of its predecessor, the U.S. Customs Service, which developed an expertise in smuggling and money-laundering investigations, and said they doubted the new agency is committed to enforcing immigration law, particularly in the nation's interior, where 10 million illegals live...
Much of the criticism targets Asa Hutchinson, Homeland Security undersecretary for border and transportation security, who oversees ICE, and ICE Assistant Secretary Michael J. Garcia, who heads the agency...
See also "Tancredo presses White House on control of border", "Hutchinson's Remarks Indicate Cheap Labor Bias of Administration", "Rounding up all illegals 'not realistic'", and "D.C. hamstrings border officers".
John S Bolton (not verified)
Mon, 11/29/2004 - 22:11
This is what happens when agents of the Mexican government are allowed to occupy the top positions here. Officials from Bush to several levels lower, must be informed of their duty to register as agents of a foreign government, if they want to persist in such treacherous policies. It is also a lawless failure to protect the states as they are sworn to do; invaders with obvious hostile intent towards the states are allowed to set up camp. When the people realize that these occurrences are completely unprincipled indulgences of hostile nations, without any pretense of moral justification, what will happen?